Oh, My Aching Back In Ankeny IA!
Oh, My Aching Back In Ankeny IA!

There are a variety of symptoms when it comes to back pain in Ankeny IA, and they can vary from mild to severe and can also be debilitating.
Ankeny IA Back Pain
Pain when sitting, standing, bending…..sound familiar? There are a variety of symptoms when it comes to back pain; they can vary from mild to severe and can also be debilitating. Low back pain can start from an activity; sometimes, we forget we aren’t as young and flexible as we used to be and may start suddenly and slowly- gradually worsening over time. Your lower back is known as the lumbar region of the spine and carries the weight of your entire upper body. Because of this, it’s important to act sooner rather than later and seek an examination by a chiropractor. There are non-surgical and painless spinal decompression treatments that reduce the likelihood of recurrent back pain flare-ups and help prevent the development of chronic lower back pain.
The Cox®Technic is a non-surgical, doctor-controlled, hands-on spinal manipulation that’s performed by a chiropractic back pain specialist. This technique is appropriate and highly effective for LBP, disc herniations, sciatica, stenosis, neuropathies, pinched nerves, and failed lower back surgery. The goal of Cox®Technic is to help a patient from “pain” to “no pain” as quickly as possible- without surgery! Learn more about this technique by contacting Iowa Chiropractic Clinic & Sports Injuries - Ankeny. Our doctors of chiropractic are Iowa's only certified Cox Technic providers.